Looking back at Millésime Bio and Wine Paris 2023 !
The beginning of 2023 has been marked by two major events for wine professionals:
Millésime Bio and Wine Paris.
Millésime Bio: the meeting place for organic wines
We collected the impressions of our partner winemakers to find out what they thought of these two major events
Millésime Bio, which celebrated its 30th anniversary this year, has become an essential event for the organic industry. With the participation of more than 10,000 professionals from 50 different countries visiting the 1,500 exhibitors, the fair reached a new attendance record.
According to our partner winemakers, the fair was very satisfactory, and the visitors were of high quality. The professionals present achieved their objectives by meeting their customers and discovering new prospects. The visitors were diverse, ranging from wine merchants to restaurateurs, wholesalers, and importers.
The clientele was mostly French and European, with about 70% of visitors coming from these two geographic areas and 30% from Belgium, the Netherlands, Norway, Denmark, England, and Canada.
One thing is certain, all our partners agree to return next year in 2024 for the next edition !
Wine Paris: a huge success
The first edition of Wine Paris had attracted 26,000 visitors in 2019. After a forced break due to the pandemic, the 2022 edition was courageously relaunched. This year, the 2023 edition was impressive, with over 35,000 visitors at the fair, representing an increase of more than 30% compared to the previous year.
Our sales representatives were very satisfied with their appointments during these intense 3 days. Eight salesman representatives represented more than 40 French wineries, meeting with 133 professionals, including 93 customers and 40 prospects from 37 different countries.
The fair was intensive in terms of quality visitors. The visitors were very professional and left a very positive impression on the Confrérie des Domaines. Matthias Michelin, our North American manager, has participated in every edition of Wine Paris since its creation in 2019 and considers the 2023 edition to be the best he has attended.
Two essential fairs for wine professionals !
The Millésime Bio and Wine Paris fairs made a lasting impression on exhibitors and visitors. These events were a unique opportunity for wine professionals to meet their customers and discover new prospects.
We are looking forward to continuing the adventure at the Prowein fair, which will take place from March 19 to 21, 2023 in Düsseldorf.
Stay tuned to learn more about our partners, wines, and upcoming meetings!
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